We are excited to announce that Experience.com’s Top Performers program now includes the real estate industry! To kick off this new addition to our program, we’ve highlighted the top 5 winners in this category. Congratulations to all who won this exceptional achievement! We are so proud of you, and enjoy seeing our customers consistently deliver such great service that continues to make every experience matter more.
The results are based on survey completion rates, the number of reviews, and the star ratings submitted to the Experience.com platform by verified customers. To ensure integrity, the Experience.com experience management platform is connected directly to each company’s loan origination system to enable the automatic sending of customer satisfaction surveys after closing to every individual listed on each application with a unique email address. As a result, it is not possible for real estate professionals to choose who receives a survey. Experience.com uses a proprietary algorithm and weighting to arrive at the final results.
Top Real Estate Company Winners in 2021
Top Real Estate Agent Winners in 2021
Because Experience.com is evolving the platform, we see fit to also evolve the program. We want this benchmark to be a constant in our customers’ CX strategy, aiding their day-to-day awareness of where they rank against others in their industry. In the coming year, you will see this award built into the new Experience Management Platform (XMP). Other awards will accompany this new gamification but more info is to come soon.
From all of us at Experience.com, congratulations! We look forward to watching you continue to create wow this year!
Top Performers in Real Estate 2021 Press Release: here